File Menu

Use the File menu commands to export reports to your PC, save settings and create a basket file. The File menu commands are described in the table below.

Menu Command


Import Contracts

Allows you to import a comma-delimited text file to your trading page.

Export Today's Reports

Exports the day's execution reports as a text file to the directory on your PC that you set.

Export Previous Day's Reports

Exports the execution report (as a text file) for the selected day to a directory on your PC that you set.

Export Page in Excel Format

Exports the active trading page as a text file to a selected file directory. You can open this text file within Excel and copy the data to a spreadsheet.

Save Settings

Locally saves any changes you made to your trading screen layout, defaults, and menu selections.

Restore Settings

Opens the Restore Settings box, where you can choose to restore a settings file from a previous session.

Store Settings on server

If checked, all settings will be saved on the IB server when you log out (instead of only being saved on your local PC), and will be used the next time you log in from a browser, regardless of the location of the machine you use.

Save Orders As Basket

Saves all orders on the active Trading page in a basket file. Use a Basket to trade a saved set of orders with one action.


Closes Trader Workstation and saves local settings.