Layout - opens the Table Column Settings window where you can choose to display or hide columns (by checking/un-checking the column titles), and change their position relative to other columns.
Avg. Price Precision - lets you determine the decimal point precision for the average price calculation by entering the decimal point placement.
Font Size - Change the font style and font size for the Executions window data.
Opens the Highlight Executions dialog box. Enter the number of seconds for new execution reports to remain highlighted (for easy viewing). Check Auto expand after partial fill to have execution reports for partially filled orders automatically expand to display other portions of the order as it is filled.
Show Leg Executions Only - if checked, spreads and combination executions will be shown in individual legs. If unchecked, the entire combination will be displayed, and you can click to expand the line and show the individual leg executions.
Symbol Mode - display the contract description in symbol mode.