Order Status Colors

The table below shows the different colors you may see on your order line. You can see the meaning of the order status colors by holding your mouse over the color in the status field.


LIGHT GRAY indicates that you are in the process of creating an order and you have not yet transmitted it.

LIGHT BLUE indicates that you have transmitted your order, but have not yet received confirmation that it has been accepted by the order destination.

PALE PURPLE indicates that an order has been accepted by the system (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) but that currently the order is not working, due to system, exchange or other issues. When the order becomes active, the order status color will change appropriately.

DARK BLUE indicates that an order has been accepted by the system (simulated orders) or an exchange (native orders) and that this order has yet to be elected. The order status remains DARK BLUE until the election criteria are met. At that time the order is triggered, the order status color will change appropriately.

GREEN indicates that your order has been accepted and is working at the order destination.

When you display the Shortable market data column, this color indicates that at least 1000 shares are available to sell short.

DARK GREEN is used in the Shortable column and indicates that this contract can be sold short but that at the moment there are no shares available for short sale, and that the system is searching for shares.

MAGENTA indicates that you have sent a request to cancel the order but have not yet received cancel confirmation from the order destination.  At this point, your order is not confirmed canceled. You may still receive an execution while your cancellation request is pending.

BURNT ORANGE indicates that a cancellation request has been accepted by the system but that currently the request is not being recognized, due to system, exchange or other issues. At this point, your order is not confirmed canceled. You may still receive an execution while your cancellation request is pending.

RED indicates that the balance of your order has been confirmed canceled by the system. This could occur unexpectedly when the destination has rejected your order.

In the Shortable column, RED indicates that no shares are available for short sale.

Once the order is confirmed canceled, the Order Management line will disappear from your trading screen after 30 seconds.

MAROON indicates that an attached simulated order type has been accepted by the system and has yet to be elected. The order is held in the IB system (and the status remains MAROON) until the election criteria are met. At that time the order is transmitted to the order destination specified and the order status color will change appropriately.